Essential Legal and Medical Practices Equipping Civil Society in Caring for Trafficked Persons - The
Essential Legal and Medical PracticesEquipping Civil Society in Caring for Trafficked Persons - The Overview Session
26 January 2017, 1 PM. TLCS Meeting Room, Srijulsup Tower, Suite 4, 12th Floor, 44 Rama I Rd., Rong Muang, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330 THAILAND
MAST and its partner, Relentless Foundation, introduced the program to the attendees who are organizations working to tackle human trafficking and promote the well-being of workers and children in Thailand and the Great Mekong-region. This session was intended to sharpen our curriculum in order to customizing what we design from legal/medical perspective with NGOs’ operations. UN-ACT, Plan International, Labor Rights Promotion Network Foundation, and Stop the Traffik Australia attended the overview session. The complete program comprises of three steps: the overview, the 2-day Workshop, and scaling-up. The 2-day Workshop will provide periodically upon request of NGOs in need.