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MAST's Project on "Essential Legal and Medical Practices: Equipping Civil Society for Bette

"Human Trafficking Law and Procedure: the inquisitorial system, Criminal Elements, Victim Identification, and Witness Preparation"

By Dornnapha Sukkree, Esq. LL.B. (Honors), LL.M

Ms. Sukkree discussed the new enacted Criminal Procedure for human trafficking cases, the amended substantive law, and the recent use of the inquisitorial system, instead of the adversarial system as ordinary criminal cases. The laws have changed and the new justice system has been used, -- Civil Society needs to improve their competency and insight to perform their duty on victim identification and help preparing of witnesses. The alternative witness testimony for fragile and foreign witnesses has been introduced.

Our audience -- The Labor Rights Promotion Network Foundation & the Alliance AntiTrafic

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